Lamar Pike Alumni Charity Clay Shoot
The Epsilon Kappa Alumni Association Clay Shoot began as an offshoot idea of The Epsilon Kappa Housing Association when there was a realization that we needed a fall event for gathering Pi Kappa Alpha alumni members together in the Beaumont area. After much discussion a clay shoot and post gathering was decided upon as an appropriate event.
We first visited the One in One Hundred Gun Club in 2019 and selected an October 2020 date for our first event. We had decided at this point we would try to raise money and donate at least 50% of any proceeds raised to a charity that we deemed worthy of our regard. The Periwinkle Foundation which benefits kids with Cancer at Texas Children’s Hospital was one of our first choices.
Then unfortunately, Covid 19 hit our nation and our first event had to be postponed. One of our brothers who had made the first trip out to the One in One Hundred Gun Club contracted Covid in December of 2020 and 19 days later passed away.
It was then decided to use some of the monies to help fund a scholarship in his name. 25% of our inaugural 2021 tournament’s net proceeds went to Periwinkle and 25% to Lamar University for a scholarship honoring our departed brother. 2022 found the Lamar PiKA Alumni Association donating a full 50% of our event’s net proceeds to Lamar to fully fund our late brother’s scholarship; and thus being able to honor his name in perpetuity and to complete our goal for this project.
This year we searched for a new charity to assist and were fortunate enough to be led to The Garth House in Beaumont. This is a fine and growing charity organization which works with young teens and children that have maybe been abused, kidnapped, made victims of sex trafficking, or just an individual who might need their help. The Garth House works to assist them personally and mentally; gives them love, and helps them find their way to a successful and productive life filled with self-esteem and good values. 40% of this year’s net proceeds will go to The Garth House, and 10% to Lamar and Periwinkle.
We are proud to partner with the Garth House and sincerely hope that you might join with us as either a sponsor donor or shooting participant. We sincerely thank you for your support.